Wednesday, 9 November 2011

Looking Forward

Thanks for your lovely comments on the last post. I wasn't sure whether I wanted to write about this but I think I will. My lovely mum passed away on the 24th of October. It's like double heartbreak because we lost our gorgeous Dad only this February gone. My sister and I and all our family have had a rotten year but we are trying be strong. Normally I'm the sort of person who counts their blessings (I still do) and takes the positive out of a situation and that's what I'm trying to do. Time will have to do its job on us I think until we mend. We have both gone back to work (my sister and I) and we are trying to move forward and get back to a bit of normality.
Anyway,things I have to look forward to, Part 1.
1.This Friday I am off to the Country Living Christmas Fair in Islington with my cousin. We went last year and it was good but horrendously busy. This year I am getting there a bit earlier (my cousin lives in Islington, lucky moo) to get a head start.

2. The following Saturday I am going to see The Dualers with my sister in Maidstone. A treat from my brother in law. He is also dropping us off and picking us up after so we can 'warm up.'Hopefully a bit of bopping about to some ska will do us the world of good.

3. The Saturday after that the Old Man is taking me to the Christmas Market in Lille for the day. I love France, I could marry it, and have never been to Lille so this should be a good day out.

Christmas is normally one of my favourite things, if not the favourite thing but this year I think I will struggle a bit.
Anyway, onwards and upwards.
Thanks again for your kind comments.


  1. Oh love........
    Firstly big hug. I am truly sorry for your enormous losses. That is true devastation. Yes Christmas will be full of mixed emotions for you.
    I don't know what to say...I lost both grandparents very suddenly last year. I was as close to them as my own parents and I haven't got over the loss - yes they were older but it made it no easier.
    I can't imagine how bad you must be feeling, perhaps empty, shocked, sad, reminiscent.
    Sending you a massive Gem cyber hug (and man they are big!!!!!)

  2. Oh I'm so sorry to hear this, what an awful time for you all. You will just need to take one day at a time and be kind to yourself. Don't spread yourself too thinly at what is a busy and emotional time of year at the best of times.

    The Country Living show is lovely though, I always enjoy it but remember to take your own bottled water and headache tablets, it is a bit overwhelming at times.

    Will be thinking of you x

  3. Oh really sorry to hear about your mum. TAke care. Thinking of you. xxxx

  4. I'm very sorry for your loss lovely Missy. Sending you loads of strength. You'll have a wonderful time at your Christmas fayres, and I'm sure your wedding to France will be super beautiful! You take care now xx

  5. Yes time needs to do its thing. What a horrible year you've had.

    I didn't know there was a Christmas market in Lille - we missed the big one in September but I am going to do my damndest to get hubby to agree to going to this one. Thanks for the heads up!

    ps I could marry France too.

  6. Hello:
    We are so sorry to read of the death of your mother. You and your family are having a very difficult year of it and it will take time to get back on to something like an even keel. You are right to plan some things to look forward to, and they all look as if they will be great fun.

    Take care!

  7. I am so sorry to hear about the loss of your mother, you are in my thoughts. Just take things a day at a time.

    Enjoy the Country Living Christmas fair and the Christmas market.

    Hugs Magie

  8. Hug, hug, hug.
    Love from Mum

  9. So sorry to hear about your loss. Hope the trip to France and the fair in Islington go some way to helping you get through it. Big hugs!

  10. Hang in there! It's hard when your heart feels heavy. Sounds like you have some fun outings coming up for a bit of distraction. Take care xxx

  11. Oh Missy - I am so sorry to hear about your mother. Hugs from across the ocean!! I know the holidays will be rough, my first one without my mom certainly was. But it sounds like your family is really keeping you busy and filled with holiday activities. Sounds like a great family!!


  12. I'm so sorry to finally stop by and see you've had such heartbreaking news but I applaud you for being positive and looking forward, so important.

    I'm off to the CL fair this weekend, planning to visit Sunday although somewhat concerned at how busy it'll be at the weekend!!

    Victoria xx

  13. Hello Missy, I haven't been on for a few days and just stopped by to say hello. I am so sorry to hear your very sad news, big hugs for you and your family. Take care hon, I'm glad to see you have some fun things planned,and I look forward to reading all about your adventures. I've always wanted to go to Lille so I'm trying not to be jealous! Happy shopping (remember to take lots of bags)thinking of you ~ Haizi xxxx

  14. Have come here following your lovely comment on my blog and am so sorry to read your sad news. Losing a parent is really tough and I want you to know you're in my thoughts x
