Friday, 9 September 2011

I started so I'll finish...

Now I knew I had started a few things crochet wise, I have been a tad indecisive just lately about what to make, so I thought I would have a quick butchers through the bag I keep all the half started, half abandoned things in.
Oh dear...
Erm... I will finish some of them, Miss. Really I will.
Other things on the go...
The bobble blanket, which grows about a millimetre a week, is now my Travelling Crochet Project. You only need one ball of wool, so perfect for bunging in a carrier bag into a handbag. I told Teenage Daughter #1 yesterday as I was doing a row in the car (long story...) and she told me I was mental. Not as mental as helping myself to two grey wooden boxes with heart cut outs and a metal bulb thingy with a handle from the left out rubbish outside a shop opposite where she is temping yesterday. (I may claim that last sentence as the worst example of written English on a blog, ever.) I did ask the shopkeeper first and then furtively rushed them back to my car before said daughter looked up from her typewriter and saw me through the window while she was trying to be all secretaryish.
Last night I did these,
They are the squares I didn't like from the Cute and Easy crochet book. They will be a bag, if I don't get fed up with it in the meantime and go back to one of the other wips. Mind you, these squares take about 15-20 minutes if that so I could have it done pretty quickly if I get on with it.
Yesterday I took delivery of my shiny, new blocking board, which is a bit of foam with fabric on the top with centimetre squares on it. I am happy with it though, but need more pins as I have all those squares I did on holiday to block and can only pin out three at a time. I'm dying to get that sewn together and edged to prove to myself that I can actually finish something and not just keep crocheting aimlessly and buying wool like it is going on the ration. (The wool shop had a sale.. of course I had to go in there twice in one day... anyone would...)
Just lately I have been on plenty of charity shop forays and took some pictures but they are on a memory stick that one of the girls has at the moment so I will show them on a later post.
Please note that my dog gets in almost every photo. Now the camera is away he is back on the sofa asleep.
By the way you can click on these photos to make them bigger. I would like them to come out bigger as I post them but don't know how to do that.


  1. Just found your blog after you left a comment here. I was brought up and used to live near Southend too!
    Love the crochet squares.
    Julie xxxxxxx

  2. Sorry meant to say "here on...
    Julie xxxxxx

  3. Hello:
    Gosh, it seems to us that your ideas run ahead of you and keeping up with the practical crafting is quite a challenge. Of course, we could not do any of these wonderfully skilful things so that means that we never have anything half finished because it is never started!!!! Still, that is one coping mechanism, we suppose.

  4. What a lovely bag of WIPs!
    I love having those 'one ball of wool'l projects, too.
    And no, you're not mental.
    I would have taken those boxes too. You can't beat a freebie.

  5. If that's mental then count me in. I think it's great that you have all those projects. I love how your dog is sitting at the top of the photos looking like it's his Crochet TaaDaaa moment! P.s. When you load your pics onto your blog, after it goes where you want it, then click on the picture. A bar should pop up that says Small, Med. Large etc.I always pick large cause my pics load in medium. Hope that helps! Have a great weekend!

  6. Blimey, I thought I had a lot of unfinished work. There's much to be said for starting a new project isn't there? Happy finishing off.
    Love from Mum

  7. So many pretty crochet squares. I am like you and have a few unfinished projects as well. I promise myself that one day I will get around to finishing them, but no doubt I will be distracted with another project :P
    Your dog is so cute posing in the photo's ..being a doggie super model is tiring work!
    I like the bobble blanket you are making..perfect for the winter (or with the weather as it is..even now).
    Have a great weekend..

  8. Love your crochet! I need to get back into doing it. Scarlett x

  9. I have sooooo many half finished projects!!! One of these days I may finish one! LOL

    I love all your crochet - I cannot wait to see what you do with the squares you made on vacation. And I love the bobble blanket!!!

    Don't worry about embarrassing the teenage daughters. I feel it is my roght to do so any chance I get!!!

  10. Missy - thanks for your sweet comment!! I am soooo glad that project is done. It is one that once I started I had to finish!!

    How are the blankets coming? I am still anxious to see what you do with the squares from your vacation. I just love the colors!

